Weekend Homework: Emotions - Anger 7/10/2020

Anger Management Counseling: What Is Anger & How Can You Manage It ...
Topic: Anger 
Watch "Why we get mad— and why it’s healthy - Ryan Martin".
Video Summary: Anger researcher Ryan Martin draws from a career studying what makes people mad to explain some of the cognitive processes behind anger -- and why a healthy dose of it can actually be useful. "Your anger exists in you ... because it offered your ancestors, both human and nonhuman, an evolutionary advantage," he says. "[It's] a powerful and healthy force in your life."

Journal Prompt: Read the quotes below taken from the video and reflect on the meaning they have in your life. How do you feel about the quote? what is your reaction? How can to take what you learned and use it?

Quote #1:   
"Anger is a powerful and healthy force in your life. It's good that you feel it. You need to feel it. 

Quote #2:   "There is unfairness in the world. There are cruel, selfish people, and it's not only OK to be angry when we're treated poorly, it's right to be angry when we're treated poorly."

Quote #3:   "We tell people to calm down or relax. We even tell people to let it go. And all of that assumes that anger is bad and that it's wrong to feel it. But instead, I like to think of anger as a motivator. The same way your thirst motivates you to get a drink of water, the same way your hunger motivates you to get a bite to eat, your anger can motivate you to respond to injustice"

Quote #4  "So the next time you feel yourself getting angry, instead of trying to turn it off, I hope you'll listen to what that anger is telling you. And then I hope you'll channel it into something positive and productive."

Have your responses ready for Monday!! :) 


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