Homework Wednesday 6/17/2020 to Friday 6/19/2020

Today we reviewed the 1st 2 pages of the "Creative and Mindful Coping Skills" packet. 

Homework will be practicing the following skills: 

1. Visualization: Create your own visualization story. Think about your happy place. Visualize a place you love, either that you have been at, or that you enjoy imagining yourself to be there. Describe it paying attention to using all five senses (e.g., the beach: what it looks like, how the sand feels, what it sounds like: wind and waves, saltwater smell).
Journal about this experience and the visualization story you created

2.  List your achievements: What have you done that was challenging for you, what have you put effort into, what have people said you do well….
Journal about this experience creating a list of your achievements. 

3. Pick your own skill from the 1st 2 pages of the "Creative and Mindful Coping Skills" packet.
Journal about this experience practicing the skill you have chosen. 


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