The Ten Laws Governing Authentic, Sustainable Self Care

1. By validating ourselves, we promote acceptance. 
2. By validating others, we elevate ourselves. 
3. By meeting our own mental, physical and spiritual needs, we provide care from a place of abundance not scarcity. 
4. By practicing self-goodwill, we manifest it throughout our lives. 
5. By honoring past traumas and hurts, we allow ourselves freedom from the pain that controls us. 
6. By naming and taking ownership of the core issues that limit our growth, we create authenticity. 
7. By “doing the work,” we reclaim the personal power this is rightfully ours. 
8. By defining our personal boundaries, we teach others how to respect us. 
9. By creating a Personal Mission Statement, we define ourselves. 
10. By managing our self-care, we welcome happiness into our lives.

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