Virtual Programming with Dubuque public Library

With our physical library branches closed to the public until further notice, the DCLD programming staff will be offering weekly live virtual programming! These virtual programs will be offered on either Facebook Live or Zoom.
Every Thursday, we will offer a program geared towards each age group.
9:30 AM - Join Mrs. Teresa for a virtual pre-school story time.
1:00 PM - Join Miss Kayla for an elementary-aged program. This week, April 2, is Build a Character.
3:00 PM - Join Miss Jenn for a teen program. This week, April 2, is a Scavenger Hunt in Your House.
5:00 PM - Jenn will offer an adult program. This week, April 2, is How to Zoom. The times for adult programs after this week will be announced on our library website and on the Telegraph Herald online.
More information, as well as links to join the live events, will be available each week on our Dubuque County Library Facebook page, under our Events.

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